Cybersecurity in M&A

Embed cybersecurity considerations from the initial due diligence phase and carry them through to integration.

Securing the M&A Process


When looking to make an acquisition, assessing the target's cyber hygiene is as important as determining its financial health and market potential. Yet infosec leaders are often brought in late in the M&A lifecycle.

To truly harness the power of M&A in support of business expansion, it is imperative to embed cybersecurity considerations right from the initial due diligence phase and carry them seamlessly through to integration.

By integrating cybersecurity from the outset of an M&A endeavour, organisations can identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. This early insight allows for a comprehensive assessment of the cyber threat landscape, ensuring that any potential weaknesses in the acquiring and acquired companies' systems are addressed before they can compromise the deal or put the parties at risk.

Phases of the M&A Lifecycle

Enabling a CISO to participate in each M&A lifecycle phase helps to quicken and secure the transaction.

Pre-Signing: From identification to announcement


Pre-Closing: From announcement to legal Day 1


Post-Closing: From legal Day 1 to integration


Subsequently: Running as one improved entity


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How We Help

ISTARI helps secure the M&A process from a cyber perspective with our technology-led modular and scalable solution. Our experts can help your team take a risk-led approach across all three phases of the M&A lifecycle:





External Risk Assessment

  • Rapid risk monitoring
  • Digital footprinting and external vulnerability analysis
  • Understanding of the target’s risk exposure


Cyber Due Diligence

  • Digital Hygiene Assessment
  • Sensitive Information Discovery 
  • Security Improvement Roadmap
  • OT Security Assessment using Edge


Cyber Strategy & Operating Model

  • Cyber capability, organisation model 
  • Cyber risk management framework  
  • Cyber cost optimisation and tech stack 
  • Integration strategy and approach


Cyber Posture Assessment

  • Comprehensive cyber maturity review
  • Rapid assessment of most critical business applications resilience


Cybersecurity Risk Quantification

  • Value of Risk (CRQ) based on business risk scenarios
  • Risk Assessment, based on controls framework


Cyber Integration

  • Cyber Integration Playbook across processes, organisation and tools
  • Transform capabilities and improvement initiatives


Cyber Governance & Reporting

  • Cyber governance structure – roles and responsibilities
  • Cyber performance metrics and dashboards


Ongoing Cyber Defense

  • Adversarial tactics simulation 
  • Incident management 
  • Risk remediation & resilience initiatives

M&A is in our DNA

As established investors ourselves, we have successfully navigated the intricacies of M&A transactions across various industries.

We don’t offer just advice. We implement it, too.

Our technology-led, flexible approach to assessing and remediating cyber risks will accelerate your due diligence and processes.

We are known for reducing uncertainties through a well-defined integration plan and focusing on delivering a capability uplift while enabling transformation.

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