Why adopt a risk-led cyber resilience programme?

In a world of accelerating digitalisation, unlimited threats and limited resources, it is critical to focus on the highest value-at-risk and to embed security into business processes.


Cyber attacks are predictable surprises that exploit weaknesses in organisational strategies and capabilities. Mature enterprises plan and implement according to their risk threshold and spending ability, thereby prioritising focus on what matters most.


The benefits of focusing on risk-led cyber resilience


Strategic Decision-Making
Helps executives make factual & timely decisions to manage the dynamic cyber risk landscape.


Unified View of Risk
Integrates cyber into enterprise risk reporting, which motivates the business to prioritise it.


Continuous Digital Trust
Shifts from point-in-time to continuous cyber risk assurance in the digital ecosystem.


Return on Investment
Gives a clear indication of where to put money to protect & recover what matters the most.

The most progressive organisations are applying cyber risk quantification to enhance their risk-led approach

Quantify Current Risk

  • Model likelihood and financial impact of cyber events
  • Identify exposures outside of risk appetite & prioritize them for treatment
  • Understand where controls are working well and where changes are needed
  • Identify urgent non-compliance with key requirements

Make Informed Decisions on Investments & Resources

  • Remediation: Model options to determine the greatest ROI
  • Transference: Identify where it makes more sense to purchase cyber insurance or outsource a particular activity
  • Avoidance: Identify where a business initiative is too risky and make changes to avoid the risk entirely

Support Executive Discussions & Questions

  • Demonstrate that the amount of spend is appropriate and deployed in the right areas
  • Explain the RoI of the requested budget/investment
  • Demonstrate compliance status
  • Provide insight into value at risk to drive risk tolerance decisions
  • Prove insurance policies are set at the right level

Flexible, module services

ISTARI offers flexible, modular services tailored to each organisation's stage in its cyber resilience journey. We don't only provide global expertise; we empower you to cultivate existing organisational strengths and to transition your programme as your risk appetite changes.

A phased approach to risk-led cyber resilience can make the process seem less daunting and will ensure your policies encompass the full picture of cyber risk.

Map of the business context and risk landscape


Perform posture assessment ('as is')


Define roadmap
('to be')


Roadmap delivery


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How can ISTARI help?

Enterprise Risk Integration

Integrate cyber practices into enterprise risk with data-driven analyses to prioritise decisions

Controls Efficacy

Assess the maturity of enterprise controls & identify gaps

Individualised, Adaptable Strategy

Build business imperatives-led strategies & dashboards to measure progress

Resilience Roadmap

Guide implementation of cyber initiatives to reduce risk & increase resilience