
We believe knowledge is protection.


At ISTARI, we believe that investing in collective wisdom and promoting knowledge sharing as a community can accelerate the path toward greater digital and business resilience. Cybersecurity is one of the most systematically important challenges business leaders are facing, and in a globally interconnected world, no single entity can solve cybersecurity challenges alone. Individual and collective leadership matter more than ever.

We convene global thought leaders and experienced practitioners to deliver immersive programmes combining theory and real-world practice.

We call this the ISTARI Academy.

Our world-class academic partner

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In collaboration with Cambridge Judge Business School, we've designed an immersive programme featuring 4 days of in-person training delivered by a renowned academic faculty from the University of Cambridge alongside industry-leading experts. Our joint curriculum is at the forefront of the latest cyber resilience strategy and innovation thinking, enriched by research, real-world insights and facilitated peer-to-peer sharing. 

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Our flagship cyber resilience leadership programme aimed at senior cybersecurity executives

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Our faculty

We convene academic thought leaders and experienced practitioners to deliver immersive programmes that combine theory with real-world practice.

Dr. Manuel Hepfer

Dr. Manuel Hepfer

Researcher at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School

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Dr Simon Learmount

Dr Simon Learmount

Academic Programme Director

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Dave White

Dave White

Nonresident Scholar, Technology and International Affairs Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

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Actionable Insights


The ISTARI Academy produces proprietary insights and research into cyber resilient organisations. For the inside track, check out our Spotlight newsletter.

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Our cyber resilience leadership community network for peer-to-peer learning

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Let's build a digitally resilient business world together.

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