Previous research conducted by Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford and ISTARI uncovered that 72% of global CEOs at major corporations were uncomfortable making decisions about cybersecurity. The Wall Street Journal found that 98.2% of S&P board directors do not have expertise in cybersecurity.

In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, the individuals leading a company must have sufficient cybersecurity experience to govern cyber risks adequately. Otherwise, it jeopardises the company’s resilience.

Lighthouse, Oxford Saïd's first-of-its-kind custom programme, aims to demystify cyber risk by putting it in the context of business risk and risk appetite. Through an in-person session, board members will hear how others are governing cybersecurity risk and learn from other companies' mistakes. Lighthouse also provides an independent evaluation of each board’s cybersecurity governance processes and offers bespoke recommendations and best practices for building their organisation’s resilience to cyberattacks.

By combining rigorous academic insight with applied industry expertise, Lighthouse aims to strengthen cyber resilience at the board level, delivering global impact and resulting in a safer world.


"As a leading provider of executive education, Oxford Saïd looks forward to partnering with ISTARI to deliver Lighthouse, We are confident in the programme’s comprehensive approach to elevate each board’s cybersecurity expertise and know that directors from all types of companies will benefit from the customised sessions."

- Eleanor Murray, Associate Dean of Executive Education, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford


'At ISTARI, we envision a world where businesses evolve their digital models with confidence and success, while building a resilient foundation to stay prepared for the evolving threat landscape. To achieve this, boards of directors must be enabled to provide clear guidance on risk appetite and supervise the management of that risk,' said ISTARI Chief Executive Officer Rashmy Chatterjee. 'As such, we are delighted to offer Lighthouse and look forward to advising boards around the world.'