Gartner’s 2024 report highlights ten key trends that will impact technology leaders. Gartner’s report explores each trend and shows how to adapt as a business. The decision of which trends to capitalise on and when will be guided by your own business goals.

  1. AI as Partner: AI Trust, Risk and Security Management (AI TRiSM)
    AI TRiSM facilitates the governance of AI models, ensuring trustworthiness, fairness, reliability, robustness, transparency, and data protection. Those who actively implement AI TRiSM typically manage to move a greater proportion of their AI projects into production, attain increased business value, and enjoy improved model precision and consistency compared to those who do not.
  2. Be Safe: Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)
    Gartner predicts that by 2026, organisations prioritising their security investments based on a CTEM program will realise a two-thirds reduction in breaches.This approach aligns exposure assessment cycles with business projects or critical threat vectors, therefore, anticipated results from tactical and technical responses are transitioned to evidence-based security optimisations, backed by enhanced cross-team mobilisation.
  3. Protect the Future: Sustainable Technology
    Sustainable Technology is a framework of solutions that can be used to enable environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes, supporting long-term ecological balance and human rights. Gartner reinforces the need to select technologies that will help drive sustainability while involving your ethics board to help build a roadmap for them.
  4. Developer-Driven Self-Service: Platform Engineering
    Self-services improve developers’ abilities to run, manage and develop their applications independently while ensuring reliability and security. It can be achieved through reusable, composable, configurable platform components, knowledge and services. Gartner recommends treating the platform as a product to work with users to identify what’s most important to them.
  5. Accelerate Creation: AI-Augmented Development
    AI-augmented development tools integrate with an engineer's environment to generate code, translate legacy code, facilitate design-to-code transformation, and improve application testing. Gartner suggests how to go about it: form a team of engineers to assess and implement AI code generation tools, integrate AI testing tools into your application testing processes and establish a design system with reusable UI components.
  6. Tailor Your Tailor’s Work: Industry Cloud Platforms
    Industry cloud platforms (ICPs) are customised cloud solutions designed for your industry and can be further tailored to your organisation's specific requirements. IT leaders can leverage the composability of these platforms to enhance adaptability and agility in responding to industry disruption. To get started with ICPs, you can employ them to enhance the current application portfolio, introducing valuable new capabilities instead of initially replacing existing ones.
  7. Optimise Decision-Making: Intelligent Applications
    Intelligent applications use AI to integrate transaction and external data, delivering insights within existing business apps, eliminating the need for separate business intelligence tools. Gartner recommends the first step as putting together a team to assess and monitor the breadth and depth of intelligence as a capability for your internal apps.
  8. Power AND Responsibility: Democratized Generative AI
    The widespread availability and creation of new content (images, speech, text, etc.) will democratise access to information and skills, marking it as one of the most disruptive trends of the decade. One of Gartner’s suggestions to get started with democratised generative AI is to employ a change management approach that prioritises employee training and wellbeing by equipping them with the knowledge to use generative AI tools safely and confidently.
  9. Push the Pioneers: Augmented Connected Workforce
    Moving towards an augmented connected workforce provides the opportunity for digital tools to reduce the time it takes for new hires to reach competency, alongside other use cases. By establishing a cross-functional programme, it’s possible to prioritise workforce segments for investment and define targeted outcomes.
  10. Buyers With Byte(s): Machine Customers
    Gartner predicts that by 2028, machine customers will render 20% of human-readable digital storefronts obsolete. To get started, one of Gartner’s key recommendations is to develop one to three scenarios exploring market opportunities, like potential Internet-of-Things-enabled products in situations where customers currently use your products and services.

The full report discusses the technology decisions leaders should look to make in the next three years.


Read the report