Cyber ecosystem 2

10.2021 . Spotlight

Managing Cyber Risk Across the Extended Vendor Ecosystem

The July 2021 edition of Spotlight explored third-party risk. We now add to that theme with BlueVoyant’s newly released report on third-party risk.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


The anatomy of cyber risk

09.2021 . Spotlight

The Anatomy of Cyber Risk

Last month, we explored a McKinsey report that studied cyber maturity across industries. This month, we’ll look at a complementary element: different cyber risk exposures across industries and geographies.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer

Dark web

09.2021 . Spotlight

What is the Dark Web and Why Does It Matter for Cybersecurity?

Many companies only realise that their customer’s data is breached when they receive a notification that the data appeared on the dark web – a particularly elusive and shady part of the internet.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer

SEC Is Serious about cybersecurity

09.2021 . Spotlight

The SEC Is Serious About Cybersecurity. Is Your Company?

Published in Harvard Business Review, this article argues that regulators have started to take cybersecurity seriously.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


Organisational Cyber Security

08.2021 . Spotlight

Organisational Cyber Maturity: A Survey of Industries

Some companies are more mature in their cybersecurity capabilities than others. But are companies that do well in cybersecurity also more profitable? A McKinsey survey shines light on differing maturity levels of companies and explores the correlation between cybersecurity maturity and profitability.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer

Praying Mantis Cyber Attack

08.2021 . Spotlight

Inside a Sophisticated Cyberattack – Praying Mantis

Cyber technology and services company Sygnia has helped many clients respond to and recover from serious cyberattacks.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer

Third Party Cyber Risk

08.2021 . Spotlight

3 Strategies to Secure Your Digital Supply Chain

Published in Harvard Business Review, this article explores three strategies to secure digital supply chains. Digital supply chains consist of software products that rely on software code from open-source libraries or other software vendors.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


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