Measuring cyber risk Light

05.2022 . Spotlight

Cyber Risk Quantified. Cyber Risk Managed.

Cyber risk quantification seems to be the silver bullet for many problems of cybersecurity leaders. But how widely adopted is it?

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


Balancing Risk

05.2022 . Spotlight

Managing Risk and Resilience

Some crisis events cannot be adequately addressed with risk management. To cope with these risks, organisations should invest in building resilience capabilities.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


05.2022 . Spotlight

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Shining a light on the most important topics in cyber resilience  Every month, ISTARI carefully selects three insightful articles or reports on cybersecurity and resilience and summarises them in an email newsletter, making them easy for…

Norsk Hydro

04.2022 . Spotlight

How a ransomware attack cost one firm £45m

What would you do if every laptop, computer, and server in your office and production plant were disabled by ransomware? That happened to one of the largest aluminium producers, Norsk Hydro.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


Cyber Crisis Preparedness

04.2022 . Spotlight

Cyberattacks are inevitable. Is your company prepared?

Understanding what a cyber crisis is one thing. Preparing for it is another. This Harvard Business Review article explains what companies can do to improve their cyber crisis preparedness.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


03.2022 . Spotlight

What Cybersecurity Questions Should Boards Ask Their Management Team?

One of the core responsibilities of the board and its directors is to oversee risk. Cybersecurity risk has become a top business risk for many enterprises. Board directors may not consider themselves as being cyber literate, but they still need to know what questions to ask.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer

Digital Leadership

03.2022 . Spotlight

How CEOs Can Pass The Cybersecurity Leadership Test

PricewaterhouseCoopers’s 2022 Global Digital Trust Insights Report surveyed 700 CEOs and 2900 other C-suite executives on issues related to digital transformation and cybersecurity.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer


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