ISTARI Spotlight Vignette of the Month CEO Deepfake at WPP

05.2024 . Spotlight

Vignette of the Month: CEO Deepfake at WPP

What happened?  Mark Read, the CEO of WPP, recently became the target of an elaborate deepfake scam.

Spotlight Analysis of Top 11 Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

04.2024 . Spotlight

Analysis of Top 11 Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

Any critical infrastructure that relies on IT is vulnerable to cyber attacks, which can threaten vital services, from food and agriculture to communications.

Spotlight The Global State of Industrial Cybersecurity 2023

04.2024 . Spotlight

The Global State of Industrial Cybersecurity 2023

What do those on cybersecurity’s front lines say are the key challenges in protecting critical infrastructure?

Spotlight 2023 Threat Report OT Cyberattacks With Physical Consequences

04.2024 . Spotlight

2023 Threat Report – OT Cyberattacks With Physical Consequences

The number of cyber attacks with serious physical consequences is growing at an alarming rate, having doubled since 2010. The floodgates have opened.

ISTARI Spotlight recruiting trends

03.2024 . Spotlight

Salary Guide 2023

This report looks at trends in recruitment and compensation for cybersecurity employees, with a view to giving professionals - especially those looking for a career change - insight into the market.

Article 2 CISO report

03.2024 . Spotlight

2023 Global Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Survey

This report looks at how the role of the CISO function is evolving, where CISOs report, and which next step in their careers many CISOs want to take.

ISTARI Spotlight Mental health article

03.2024 . Spotlight

State of Mental Health in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an intense, high-pressure job. This survey of 1,027 people discovered how their mental health is impacted by - and in turn affects - their work.

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