Insights: Cyber Resilience

News article

07.2023 . News

Axio Named a Leader in the CRQ Forrester Wave

Before ISTARI invested in Axio, it had already started on its journey of building the best CRQ capability to help clients move to a risk-based approach to cyber resilience.

Fireside 1920x1080 2

29.06.2023 . Events

The Board and CEO’s View on Cyber Resilience: A Fireside Chat

Although this virtual fireside chat has passed, you can contact ISTARI to request the recording. Tom Glocer, Felipe Bayón, and Rashmy Chatterjee — all former or current CEOs and board members — discuss CEOs' and Boards' roles in managing cybersecurity risk and any advice they have for cybersecurity leaders.

CEO Report on Cyber Resilience Web

03.2023 . News

First-of-its-kind study explores the minds of CEOs in managing cyber risk and provides a playbook on how they can improve

LONDON, 21 March 2023 – ISTARI, a Temasek-founded global cybersecurity firm dedicated to helping clients build cyber resilience, and Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford today revealed the findings of their joint CEO…

03.2023 . Research

The CEO Report on Cyber Resilience

In a first-of-its-kind study, we spoke with 37 CEOs on how they manage cybersecurity risk. Here's what they said.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer , Rashmy Chatterjee and Professor Michael Smets
Cyber Resilience Research


Risk Led Resilience

02.2023 . Perspectives

Making Risk-Led Cyber Resilience a Reality

Not all assets and business processes are equal. Companies should focus on those that matter most for their business’s success.

Cyber Resilience

01.2023 . Perspectives

Creating Cyber Resilience By Routine

By honing a core set of primary and enabling activities that are consistent, specific and measurable, leaders can boost cyber resilience and create business value.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer and Rashmy Chatterjee
Cyber Resilience


09.2022 . Articles

Why is Ukraine Still Online?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine set in motion the most devastating example of combined kinetic and cyberattacks the world had seen. Despite this, Ukraine remained online. How?