Insights: Risk & Governance

Risk Led Resilience

02.2023 . Perspectives

Making Risk-Led Cyber Resilience a Reality

Not all assets and business processes are equal. Companies should focus on those that matter most for their business’s success.

ESG C v3

06.2022 . Articles

Cyber Resilience – It’s all about ESG

The Russian invasion of Ukraine - and Putin’s growing hostility towards the West - have significantly heightened the risks of a large-scale cyber-attack.

CISO reporting structures

08.2021 . Perspectives

Where Should the CISO Report?

Companies continue to seek the optimal place in the organisation for their chief information security officer (CISO). But equally important and often left unaddressed are proper governance and board-level oversight.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer and Abel Archundia
Leadership & Strategy Risk & Governance


04.2021 . Perspectives

Strengthen the CORE: A Framework for CEOs to Build Cyber-Resilient Organisations

Leaders can use our CORE-S framework as a simple self-assessment tool to help track their initiatives and strengthen their organisations’ cyber resilience.

Perspective Image Navigate Your Digital Risk Landscape

04.2021 . Perspectives

Navigate Your Digital Risk Landscape

When it comes to digital risk management, only the most advanced senior leaders recognise the business imperative.