ISTARI Perspective Dilemma

11.2024 . Perspectives

Can AI Reverse the Defender’s Dilemma in Cybersecurity?

On the traditional war battlefield, some military theorists say that attack is preferable over defence, as it serves a more "positive" purpose: conquest and control. Defence, on the other hand, is seen as passive, and at a disadvantage. How well does this analogy apply to a digital battlefield?

BY Abel Archundia and Alexander Pabst


Perspective Mistakes and Lessons from Interacting with the Board on Cybersecurity

06.2024 . Perspectives

Mistakes and Lessons from Interacting with the Board on Cybersecurity

For many executives, even the most senior ones, a presentation to the board of directors is the most demanding test of leadership communications. CISOs also commonly struggle.

BY Jason Mallinder
Leadership & Strategy

ISTARI Perspectives 5 Ways Generative AI Will Impact Cybersecurity

10.2023 . Perspectives

5 Ways Generative AI Will Impact Cybersecurity

When ISTARI hosted its annual CEO Forum on Cyber Resilience in Singapore in February 2023, one CEO asked his peers if they had already used or experimented with ChatGPT.

BY Abel Archundia and Dr. Michael Zeller

Lessons from Cyberattacks on the Cloud Implementing Cloud Native Security and Zero Trust ISTARI

10.2023 . Perspectives

Lessons from Cyberattacks on the Cloud: Implementing Cloud Native Security and Zero Trust

There was nothing unusual when an analyst in the security operations center of a large North American technology company received an alert of anomalous network behavior on one of the company’s public-facing cloud servers.

BY JD Sherry , Jim Reavis and Yotam Meitar
Cloud Security


Risk Led Resilience

02.2023 . Perspectives

Making Risk-Led Cyber Resilience a Reality

Not all assets and business processes are equal. Companies should focus on those that matter most for their business’s success.

Cyber Resilience

01.2023 . Perspectives

Creating Cyber Resilience By Routine

By honing a core set of primary and enabling activities that are consistent, specific and measurable, leaders can boost cyber resilience and create business value.

BY Dr. Manuel Hepfer and Rashmy Chatterjee
Cyber Resilience

Cyber Crisis Preparedness 1

10.2022 . Perspectives

Cyber Crisis Preparedness: How To Craft a Winning Playbook

Organisations deal with crises differently. In some, chaos and disorder sprawl, whereas others seem to operate out of an in-built calmness that enables them to rise to the challenges presented. No organisation that suffers a serious cyberattack can rely on the hope that its people will just cope. Instead, it needs a playbook and routines to stress test that.

BY Jo De Vliegher and Andy France
Crisis Preparedness


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